Coorong Tatiara Soil Hub
Sustainability, Agriculture and the Environment
The Coorong Tatiara Local Action Plan partnership working under the Coorong and Tatiara District Councils has successfully delivered on ground change and community engagement across the Upper South East over the last 20 years. Large amounts of Commonwealth and State funding has been attracted for environmental and sustainable agricultural works. This has produced positive on ground and community outcomes for primary producers, community groups, schools, and public land managers. As a result the CTLAP is a readily recognised body working in the NRM space in our region.
Past projects have provided a range of financial incentives to land managers to undertake on ground improvements in the areas of; revegetation, remnant vegetation protection, wetland protection, pest animal control, weed control, perennial pasture establishment, clay spreading, farm forestry, and fodder shrub establishment.
Our staff also provide technical support to land managers, Agricultural and Environmental Groups, Indigenous Communties, and Schools, delivering a range of events, technical information, web based and social media content.
Key Focus Areas for Coorong Tatiara LAP
The priority issues the Coorong Tatiara LAP are currently addressing are;
- Biodiversity Protection and Enhancement
- Supporting Sustainable Agriculture
- Community Engagement
- Animal Pests and Weed Control
- Understanding Dryland Salinity
- Understanding constraints and improving production on Sandy Soils
- Providing up to date information on Water Security Technologies
- Supporting Farm Businesses through dry seasons and bushfire recovery
Project Partners
Temporibus architecto cum num nulla sed perspiciats autem priats nostrum sed ipsum.
Temporibus architecto cum num nulla sed perspiciats autem priats nostrum sed ipsum.
Temporibus architecto cum num nulla sed perspiciats autem priats nostrum sed ipsum.
This project is supported by the Coorong and Tatiara District Councils, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and Meat and Livestock Australia.
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