
June 2021 to June 2026

Project manager

Dr Melissa Fraser

Funding body

Meat and Livestock Australia


Soil Function Consulting, Michael Wilkes Livestock Co

About the Project

The Improved Grazing Production on Non-Wetting Sands Project targets a large area of sandy soils across the Upper South East of SA that are inherently low in fertility. The objective of the project is to test a series of soil treatments and improve participating producers and the broader industry understanding of viable soil amelioration practices and options for improving feed and livestock production potential on sandy soils. Additionally, the project will improve participating producer knowledge and practice and increase industry understanding of the potential for a range of sandy soil management practices to enhance ground cover, soil biology, soil pH, soil structure, water holding capacity and feed production.

Project Activities

The SA non-wetting soils project measures the impacts of a range of mechanical and chemical soil amendments across three demonstration sites. The project will deliver an improved understanding of the benefits of these treatments on sandy soils, feed production and business sustainability. A range of treatments are being tested across the three sites to see if they can deliver increased feed volume and quality along with improvements in soil physical, chemcial and biological fertility. The sites were established in 2022, with monitoring to continue to 2025.

Further Research