Project manager
Felicity Turner
Funding body
National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government Initiative
Soil Function Consulting, Turner Agribusiness
About the project
The project was developed to optimise soil health and water use on sandy soils across the Coorong and Tatiara District council regions. This project demonstrated new and emerging technologies to build producer confidence to try new techniques, improve soil health and groundcover, increase production and reduce groundwater recharge across the region. It upskilled farmers and provided them with tools and knowledge required to identify their soil limitations – both physical and chemical and how to then manage these soils and maximise production in their farming systems.
Project Activities
9 demonstration sites were established to try and manage different physical and chemical constraints or to try and increase production and water use across the region. These were supported by on-farm field walks, soil pits, soil sampling and workshops to deliver key findings and build farmer confidence in making good management decisions around their soils to maximise production.